What’s the best marketing advice you have ever received? We asked 7 savvy marketers. by Brad Hines 3.17.13
David E. Saucedo II, The Saucedo Co.
Treat your marketing campaigns like you are approaching a woman for the first time.
Treat your marketing campaigns like you are approaching a woman for the first time.
If you approach them and tell them that you’re the best and no
one else has what you have, they’ll probably ignore you. Boom – you’ve lost your opportunity. Rather, get to know your client and build a relationship. You have a better chance of taking the relationship to the next level. The advice came from Morris Pittle from Two Ton Creative in El Paso, Texas. We are a 96 year old family business and we applied this advice to our marketing and refrained from touting our years in the industry, but rather use our experience as a tool for everyone to use, via our informational videos and free advice. It’s paid terrific dividends.